
Reporting violations and suspected misconduct
PHM Group are committed to observing ethical principles as well as legislation, instructions and regulations in our business operations. Our personnel are committed to following our Code of Conduct and our principles in their work. The objective is to ensure that all the employee understand the purpose and key contents of the Code of Conduct.
We encourage our employees, customers and partners to report any suspicions related to possible misconduct or to violations of our Code of Conduct. The suspicion may concern our business operations, people, the environment or the wider society.
We use an anonymous whistleblowing channel which anyone can use to anonymously report their suspicions and observations.
The service is managed by a third party, and it is available in Finnish, Swedish, English, Norwegian, Danish, German and French. The messages are encrypted. All the reports are processed confidentially. The reports are processed by the PHM Group’s Whistleblowing committee.